Comme il y a une infinité de choses sages qui sont menées d’une manière très folle, il y a aussi des folies qui sont conduites d’une manière très sage.


I am a scientist passionate about basic and applied aspects of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions, agroecosystem analysis, process-based models, and remote sensing. Similarly, I have a keen interest in statistics and data science. Currently, I am focused on understanding the drivers and assessing mitigation strategies of greenhouse gas emissions from agroecosystems under the guidance of César Terrer, Hanqin Tian, and Diego Abalos. In the past, I used field experiments, process-based models, and advanced statistical techniques to understand and optimize agronomic practices at field and agroecosystem levels, under the mentoring of Eddie Schrevens. My research is motivated by the goal of promoting sustainable development: